#!/bin/sh#-----------------------------------------------# This script colorize a key of a 5Q Das Keyboard# by sending a JSON signal to the its public API# located at http://localhost:27301 using the coordinates# x and y as zone ID.#-----------------------------------------------set-e# quit on first error.# Let the user choose the key to colorize through the terminal# using the coordinates x and y of the keyecho Coordinates:
echo x?
read x
echo y?
read y
echo x: $x , y: $yPID="DK5QPID"# product IDPORT=27301
ZONEID="$x,$y"URL="http://localhost:$PORT/api/1.0/signals"#-------------------------# Send signal the 5Q keyboard#-------------------------#echo"Sending signal to zoneId: $ZONEID at $URL"
curl -X POST --header'Content-Type: application/json'--header'Accept: application/json'-d'{
"pid": "DK5QPID",
"zoneId": "'$ZONEID'",
"color": "#00F",
"effect": "SET_COLOR",
"name": "Hello Coordinates: '$ZONEID'",
"message": "Message sent by script"
echo OK
exit 0
echo ERROR
exit 1